My story
As a child, I was wild, imaginative, creative, carefree and alive. In adolescence things began to change as I started to make sense of the world. I felt alienated and stuck on a conveyor belt of the next human evolving into a 9-5 office worker. With no mentor to guide me through this journey, like a sheep, I followed my peers to University and turned to partying, alcohol and drugs to escape my disillusionment with the world.
After the tragic death of my Grandfather and a traumatic stress response, I finished my degree feeling lost with daunting prospects for the future. I booked a one-way flight to Australia and began (what turned out to be) a nine-year pilgrimage across the globe to discover a deeper meaning of life.
In those nine years, I experienced heartbreak, burn-out, crippling anxiety and depression which awakened me to spirituality. I travelled to India to study yoga and South America to discover Shamanism and plant medicine. I met wonderful and inspiring people, learnt from teachers of different traditions and cultures and discovered for myself that we humans are much more powerful than we know! After a dedication to my own healing and witnessing my own personal transformation, I felt compelled to share my knowledge with the world.
I began teaching yoga, facilitating Women’s circles and letting my heart lead me! Like a blossoming lotus flower, a magnificent world of possibility opened up to me. Inspired by the profound changes I was able to make with my own life coach, I trained in Somatic and Embodied coaching and birthed NewEarthHealing.
In 2021 I became pregnant and went on an exploration of birth. I was over the moon because months ago I had a devastating miscarriage and had been trying for (what seemed like a lifetime) months to become pregnant again! I experienced birth as a powerful portal of awakening to my inherent power, became acutely aware of the power of a mother’s intuition and… also the effect of voices of fear from family, friends and the medical system on what they think is best for you!
Tragically, in April 2024, my two-year-old son James passed away after being diagnosed with Meningitis and a traumatic ten days in the ICU. My heart was cracked open and I have since been on a grieving journey and have been propelled deeper into healing; adding more healing tools to my toolbox. Although James is no longer physically with me, I feel our connection strengthening every day and he helps to guide my work here on this earth. He reminds me that no matter how painful our experiences we can always choose love, acceptance and the present moment.
Through my own painful, traumatic life experiences, I have discovered that we are responsible for our own suffering and we too have the power to liberate ourselves from it! I realize that through reprogramming our minds and tapping into the wisdom of the body we can create a life that makes us feel truly fulfilled and able to walk through all life's challenges with strength and empowerment and ultimately remember our child-like essence. Wild, Imaginative, Creative, Carefree and ALIVE.
Education and Certification
ICF Trained Somatic and Embodied Coach - Embodied Coaching Institute
500hr Hatha and Tibetan Heart Yoga Teacher Training - Banjaara Yoga - Dharamsala, India & Diamond Heart Yoga
Bsc Sport and Exercise Sciences - University of Leeds, UK